
Individual Animation Mentorship Sessions

Discover how an individual mentorship session could help improve your animation or career.

Since launching my one-on-one animation mentorships, I’ve been really enjoying having the opportunity to work with people directly to either teach them animation or help them to progress in their careers.

Whilst I really enjoy seeing the progression in people's animation, and the relationships that are built up through multiple sessions, I realise that longer mentorships will not suit everyone.

I’ve therefore decided to start offering individual animation mentorship sessions.

Individual mentorship sessions

Individual sessions are designed to provide an alternative for those who are seeking professional feedback or career advice but who may not be looking for a longer term mentorship.

For those just starting to learn animation, speaking to a professional can help to set you on a clear, and rapid, path to achieving your goals.

For those with more experience, a mentorship session could be used to help level up your work or prepare a showreel to apply to studios.

If you’re working on your animation or showreel in isolation, getting a fresh pair of eyes on your work can be a real game changer. Not only can it reveal mistakes in your work that you might have missed, but it can often present entirely new possibilities that you may not have thought of.

As an animation director, I’ve also been heavily involved in the recruitment of animators so I can offer helpful insights for those trying to break into the animation industry or progress their careers.

Simply put, each individual session will be 100% focussed on your specific needs.

Mentorship packages

Whilst I’m excited to launch the new individual sessions, I’m still going to be offering the multi-session packages for those who would benefit from ongoing support or feedback.

These packages also include an initial consultation, an individual action plan, and the benefit of email support between sessions for dealing with technical issues or asking additional questions.

If you’d like to know more, simply head to the Mentorship page for full details or to fill out an application.


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